The Happy List #6

close up photo of notebook with pen

Ah Monday. I’m tired today, I’ve not been sleeping well and my anxiety is sky high lately. I have a huge to-do list and am busy procrastinating. Trying to get through a little work on this grey and miserable day, when all I really want is to curl up in bed, with a book and tea and start again tomorrow.

1/ Late night chats – I don’t get as much time with my girls these days, they’re all grown and have their own busy lives. I love the moments we do share – those impromptu, 10pm gatherings in the kitchen, when we talk about everything and nothing, make snacks and catch up with each othere

2/ New plants – I have something of a plant addiction, I just can’t help it! I reated myself to a couple of new little house plants last week to add to my growing jungle.

3/ Moon Journal – I treated myself to this beautiful 13 Moon Journal from Moon Phase Studios and I cannot wait to start using it on Decembers New Moon.

What is on your happy list this week?

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