Month: February 2023


The Happy List #2

Back today with another Happy List. I’ve been sick the last few days with Strep and have felt pretty rotten. Thankfully the antibiotics have kicked in so I’m feeling a bit better now. We seem to have had a run of bad health this winter between us, hoping that the arrival of spring will bring...

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Living simply, simply living

Simple life and peaceful mind are very close friends! Mehmet Murat Ildan With my word of the year, RELEASE, in mind, I’ve been letting go of what was no longer working for me. Letting go of the busyness that had taken over our lives. We’d gotten caught up in doing all the things even though...

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The Happy List #1

Browsing through old posts the other day, I remembered how much I loved writing the ‘Three Good Things‘ posts. Taking a little time each week to look back on the good things that had happened, giving gratitude for this life and slowing down enough to notice. So…. here’s the first of The Happy List. I...

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