Three Good Things

I’m sitting writing this in my kitchen. Music playing, the sun shining in through the window. A rare five minutes of peace in the middle of the day. I had to take Kiki for a hospital appointment this morning, just a check-up on a gymnastics injury. Forever thankful my Mum is now here, and  I don’t have to drag all the little ones with me to appointments!

Oren is napping, Beastie playing, the girls all occupied. I’m squeezing in a couple of hours client work this afternoon. I’m thinking maybe a walk later on, to the park or the river. Soak up a little sunshine and then spend the evening in the garden. I’m so sleepy I could happily have curled up with Oren, but there is work to be done!

Here are my #threegoodthings for this week

FRIENDS – we spent a wonderful afternoon with friends at the weekend. BBQ, kids running free, time to chat… was just what I needed

THE MAGIC – I’m on day 14, and so glad that I decided to re-do this practice. It is totally getting me back in the right mindset, and changing my life once again. {You can follow along with me on Instagram}.

PLANS –  feeling the love this week for plans that are coming together 

Care to share your gratitude list with me?

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