Find Meaning Through Travel: 12 Places You Must Add To Your Bucket List

Life is for living. Although we encounter challenges daily, whether at work, family, or our mental health, there is so much in this world to live for. 

If there is anything we can take away from the last year, it is that you have to live your life with more passion and purpose. 

There is no better time than now to start planning a global adventure and tick things off your bucket list. Traveling the world can seem inaccessible to some, but when you put your mind to it, anything is possible.

The best way to start is to seek out adventures that will help you find more meaning or purpose in life. The best adventures are when you are immersed in nature and the diverse beauty of the world because you can quiet the noise and the usual hustle and bustle of normal life, allowing you to tap into your true self. 

There are so many incredible things to see and experience around the world, to help you find a new appreciation for life, face your fears and enjoy the simplicity of nature. Here are the top 10 to kick start your bucket list that involves both challenges and exciting thrills. 

#1 Explore the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a place like no other, located in Northern Arizona. The brown hues of the canyons span for miles, so it requires snacks, water, and a lot of energy. The grand canyon offers plenty to explore with mule trips, hikes, and trails.  

#2 Visit the Taj Mahal 

The Taj Mahal draws in millions of visitors each year for its outstanding beauty. The Taj Mahal is an incredible monument that was erected over a ten-year period and symbolizes eternal love. As one of the most visited places in India, it has earned the status of one of the seven wonders of the world. Its beauty speaks for itself. 

#3 Swim the Great Barrier Reef

Off the coast of Queensland, the Great Barrier Reef is a beautiful, 2,000km coral reef ecosystem home to over 1500 species of fish and billions of marine organisms. There are plenty of options when it comes to experiencing its natural beauty, for example, you can snorkel, scuba dive, or even take a helicopter for a breathtaking bird’s eye view. 

#4 Eat 5-star food in Italy 

Italy is known for its mouthwatering dishes that just cannot be imitated anywhere else. No other country can rival original recipes for our most beloved dishes, including pizza and pasta. In Italy, these dishes are a masterpiece, with guaranteed tastiness and quality, each dish has its history. There is no foodie experience like there is in Italy! 

#5 Trek the Himalayas 

If you fancy a challenge, then number 5 is for you. There are hundreds of trials on the mountains that span across Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Nepal, and India that suit all levels, so if you are not a well-seasoned adventurer, you can still experience the fun of the Himalayas. You can choose a serious, exhilarating adventure or a few days to relax in the mountains and enjoy the breathtaking views.

#6 Explore and stargaze in the Sahara 

At 3.6 million miles, the Sahara desert has plenty of fun things to do. Famous for its dune fields often seen in movies, the Sahra desert in real life is like nothing you’ve experienced before. With no buildings or civilization for miles, the Sahara desert is the perfect spot for stargazing, sand surfing in Merzouga, or even trying one of the motorcycle tours in Morocco

#7 Cruise in Alaska 

Forget watching from the shore, the best way to enjoy the beauty of the untouched Alaskan glaciers with post-card-worthy sites, with a range of wildlife including grizzly bears, humpback whales, and bald eagles, is on a cruise. It will be cold, but the natural beauty of the towering glaciers and national parks make it worthwhile. 

#8 Walk the Great Wall of China 

The Great Wall of China is not just for marathon walkers, it is a great site for the whole family to enjoy. The ancient Chinese empire stretches over 21,000km but that doesn’t mean you have to walk the entire site! You can explore small areas of your choice, or even opt for a bike ride, a cable car, or a helicopter ride. 

#9 Visit Machu Picchu

The mysterious Machu Picchu is at the top of most bucket lists for its magnificent archaeological areas and rich history in Peru. Uncovering its beauty means challenging altitudes, unpredictable climates, and rocky pathways, but that is all part of the fun! 

#10 Jordan’s Lost City 

Trek up the monastery and walk beautiful trails to the Siq. Jordan’s lost city is a spectacular insight into ancient civilization, from the moment you step onto the red sands of Petra. 

#11 Explore volcanoes in Iceland

Not only can you view the beauty of the volcanoes that have shaped Iceland’s existence, but you can also immerse yourself in them (warning: not for the faint hearted!) Thrihnukagigur is a dormant volcano that last erupted over 4,000 years ago and allows visitors to be lowered right inside the chamber. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

#12 Cuddle Whales in California 

Certain spots in Baja California provide the opportunity to hug whales! The grey Whales gather from December to April in lots of places around the world, but only a few of these spots allow for a safe encounter. Patting a whale is exciting, but being able to hug one? Thrilling! 

Travel can be a great way to try something you wouldn’t normally try and step out of your comfort zone. When you leave your comfort zone, growth happens. 

With adventure in every corner of the globe, there are thousands of opportunities to take off from your usual patterns and routines, to explore the unknown, and find some thrill. You only live once, so why not get lost in adventure and some freedom. 

So, where will your next adventure be? 

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