A new kind of normal

A few days into lockdown, and we’re finding a new normal. While we wouldn’t choose to have these circumstances we find ourselves in, we just have to make the best of the situation. For us as seasoned homeschoolers, this is NOT homeschooling. We never spend this much time at home! We are just as out of our normal as the rest of you.
The kiddos are missing their groups and friends, and the ability to be able to go out and about. I’m so grateful we have a fairly big house, and a garden. They have space to play and run around and get away from each other!
For Kiki and Baya through this, my main concern is keeping their fitness levels up. They both love gymnastics, and Baya is a squad member who is used to doing at least 16 hours of training each week. We’ve been starting the days {like most of the nation} with The Body Coach’s PE session, then they’ve been doing some home conditioning for another half an hour or so. Plus they’re fitting in another HIIT workout most days, more conditioning and trampolining!
They’ve been keeping up with their normal ‘school work’ and we’ve been working towards some more Paw Print badges most days too.
I’m setting them a weekly themed project to work on, where they can find out about a subject and produce a poster/leaflet/talk.. .whatever they like!
In truth, I’m right now at least, enjoying these quieter days. I miss the freedom to go out and about, to see friends and have coffee out. It’s still a novelty to have all five kiddos home all day every day. To not have to rush around in the evenings with all their groups. To all be sitting down for dinner each night.
There is so much we can learn from this time, what’s really important and what isn’t. It gives us time together, time to reset ourselves, time to figure out how we want life to look after all of this is over.
I’m sure the next few weeks will be challenging, especially if we get sick. But right now, all we can do is make the most of the situation.
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