Three Good Things

Oppps – I’m a little late posting this! We were away for the weekend, and I spent Monday catching up and then yesterday was busy and I didn’t get a chance to hop on the laptop. It’s been sunny and warm here again this past week, we’re making the most of it just in case this is our summer! You never know…!

Anyway, here are three good things from last week

BIRTHDAYS ~ Lola turned 15 last week {how on earth do I have a 15 year old?!}. It was a low key day, I’d taken her and Kiki to a show a couple of days before her birthday. SO the actual day consisted of lots of cake, a BBQ, a game of bowling and a fire in the evening.

WEEKENDS AWAY ~ Yet another weekend away, we stayed at with friends, to look after some dogs and we had the best time. They live in a shared house, just out of town and it is perfect there. We had so much fun, the kids had space to play out and I loved having grown up company in the evening!

KITTENS! ~ Our only girl cat, Dolly had three little kittens in the early hours of Tuesday. Kiki woke me up at 1am to tell me she thought they were on their way, so we sat up and watched. Beastie came down for a little while too – it was so amazing to see them born. We’re all a little in love.

What are your three good things from last week?

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Enchanted Pixie

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