15 must-read tips for going vegan

15 must read tips for going vegan

It’s a little over a year since I went Vegan, and honestly, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Looking back, I wonder why I didn’t think I could do it years ago! It always seemed too hard to live without cheese/chocolate and I thought it would be difficult to cook vegan meals. I wrote a piece celebrating my Veganversary if you haven’t read that yet!

I thought I’d share some tips to help if you are thinking of going vegan.

1| Take it as slow as you need

While I switched straight into being a full blown vegan overnight, you don’t have too. It can seem like a huge transition, especially if you’re a meat eater. If you are already vegetarian then you might not find it so hard. One good step is to switch one thing at a time – cut out red meat, then white meat, then dairy. Or if you’re vegetarian, switch your milk to a vegan milk, then cheese to a non-dairy cheese.

2| Watch some documentaries to remind you why you are considering veganism

3| Read some books

I recommend The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone and How To Go Vegan: The why, the how, and everything you need to make going vegan easy

4| Be prepared

Fill your cupboards with plenty seeds, nuts, avocados, coconut oil as well as legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils (canned are fine). Download my FREE vegan pantry basics sheet to get you started!

5| Stick to high-quality starches

Stoneground sourdough bread made from rye, wholegrain oats for porridge, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat or brown rice.

6| Don’t worry about protein

I still get asked if I get enough protein! If you’re eating beans, soya products like tofu and seitan, quinoa, nuts, and hemp seeds, as well as protein-rich veggies like asparagus, cauliflower, and broccoli you will get enough. There are great vegan protein powders if you need a little extra too.

7| Treat yourself

You don’t have to miss out on your favourite treats because you’re vegan, there are great vegan ice-creams and chocolates available! I love the Swedish Glace Raspberry ice-cream, and the Ichoc bars are delicious – my favourite is the almond orange!

8| Have some fast food options ready

Great FoodAmy’s Kitchen and Linda McCartney all have great options.

9| Know your labels & ingredients

Swot up on those animal ingredients and make sure you are good at label reading!

10| Start with what you know

Most dishes can easily be veganised. Shepherds Pie is easy to make vegan, make your own pesto so it is veggie and mix it with some pasta {check it’s egg free!} and veggies for a quick dinner. Lots of meals can quickly be made vegan by removing the cheese (or replacing it with a vegan cheese). It could be swapping the central meat for beans, tofu, or even a hearty vegetable, like mushrooms.

11| Meal Plan

While you’re getting used to cooking vegan, search Pinterest for meal ideas {or my monthly meal plans} to make it less daunting.

12| Make it a challenge

While January may be over, you can do Veganuary any month you like. Sign up for a thirty-day vegan challenge, and get lots of support along the way.

13| Fruit and Veggies are your friends

Centre your meals around fruit and vegetables, rather than looking for meat substitutes. Veggies {paired with beans/soya products/quinoa/letnils} will give you the nutrients you need AND fill you up.

14| Get a couple of good cookbooks

My favourite ones are The New VeganKeep it Vegan and Thug Kitchen

15| Keep {healthy} vegan snacks on you all the time

I always have some snacks in my bag, just in case I get stuck out and can’t find vegan friendly food or I’m at someone’s house and they don’t have anything I can eat. I keep some mini bags of nuts and a couple of raw bars and often throw in a piece of fruit before I leave the house.

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  1. Sarah Stockley

    March 6, 2018 at 16:24

    I haven’t drank milk since I was a child as I don’t like the taste of it. It was only in my 20s that I started to like cheese. I love healthy foods but I must admit I think there are certain things I would miss – but I think I may challenge myself one day to a vegan week and see how it goes. Sarah

  2. Slummy Single Mummy

    March 6, 2018 at 20:04

    Some great tips here! My daughter was vegan for a while during her teens and I was always surprised by some of the random foods she was able to eat, like bourbons!

  3. Eva Katona

    March 6, 2018 at 22:01

    Great tips. I’m vegetarian, but only for the cheese. I don’t drink milk or eat it with cereal. I think it’s a lot easier going vegan these days, as even 5 or 10 years ago.

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