Five quick decor changes to add more light to your home

Five quick decor changes to add more light to your home

With February just around the corner, I’m already counting down the days until Spring is officially here. It’s still cold and wet here for hte most part, though we’ve had the odd ‘spring-like’ day. I always find this time of year is perfect for making a few, little changes around the house. January always seems to be a dreary month – the house feels empty and cold once the Christmas decorations have gone away and the weather outside doesn’t help either.

Quick decor changes are great for making your house feel more vibrant and spring-y, giving you a cosy, inviting space to see out the last of winter and brighten up even the greyest days.

Five quick decor changes to add more light to your home

1| Change up the soft furnishings

Switch up your throws and cushion covers for ones in bright, vibrant hues to add some pops of colour to your living room. It’s a quick and inexpensive way to make the room feel totally different, choosing warm shades of orange, red and teal add warmth and a touch of spring to the room. Pick throws in these colours, made from warm fabrics such as wool or fleece to snuggle under in the cold evenings.

2| Let in more light

When the days are so short, and the light so limited, it’s vital to let as much into the house as possible. Swapping curtains that can block a lot of the window, for stylish blinds instead can make a huge difference. A little sunlight streaming into a room not only warms it up, but also makes it a more inviting place to spend time.

Five quick decor changes to add more light to your home

3| Add some flowers

Nothing brightens a room quite the same as a vase of flowers. I love to choose a bouquet of scented stems to put in my living room, coming down in the morning to a room that smells of spring is a great way to start a cold, winters day!

4| Reflect the light

Strategically placing mirrors in the room to reflect light back into the room is another great way to increase the natural light in a room. Choose a large mirror, hung on the wall, or propped on the mantlepiece it can make a great focal point of the room.

Five quick decor changes to add more light to your home

5| Think about lighting

If you’re currently only using your ceiling light, evening in the evening, then think about adding some floor lamps or table lamps to the room. They add a totally different ambiance to a room, making it feel cosy and inviting on those cold winter nights.

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