Friday Feels

Back to Friday again – oh and can you believe we’re in July! I’m in denial… I can’t believe the first half of the year has been and gone already. We’re now less than three weeks to Camp Bestival {gah – I really need to start getting organised!!}. I’m keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the weather picks up, I’m more of a fair weather camper. Don’t really ‘do’ cold and rain – at least not when I’m under canvas!

The last couple of weeks have whizzed by and I haven’t had a chance to write one of these updates on what we’ve actually been doing…

Our most exciting news is we bought a car. After TEN whole years without one, it feels oh so good to have a set of wheels. We decided that the exorbitant rental costs to hire a seven seater for our Camp Bestival trip were too cray cray, so bought a car instead! We picked up an old Ford Galaxy, after a very good clean and a new set of tires, it’s good to go. We’ve been out for a few trips already, how much easier is life when you can just hop in teh car and go somewhere?!? No waiting around for buses or trains, and carrying a million bags for the day. We just got this great Britax car seat for Beastie, he’s loving going in the car – I was a little worried because he’s not used to it, and the few times he’s been strapped in a car seat he screamed. But so far so good, though he wants to go out for a ride every time he sees the car! Now I just need to learn how to drive…… eeep!

It’s been pretty wet here for the last few weeks – seriously, what is going on with that?! My tumble drier seems to have broken so my house is full of laundry in varying stages of wetness/dryness! Kiki and Baya have been baking up a storm lately. Fairy cakes, cookies, mini quiches…. Kiki made the most delicious Chocolate Salted Caramel thumbprint cookies yesterday. Oh so tasty but not so good for my poor waistline.

I finally got around to picking some elderflower and making a few bottles of cordial. It tastes so good, I made it quite concentrated – perfect for adding to some fizzy water on a hot day. I’ve been trying to spend less time online and more time just being. It’s hard when I work online, but it’s so easy to get caught up in teh internet and forget that real life is happening right in front of you. That whole work/life balance is something I’m constantly trying to get right. Life is hectic with four kids at home 24/7 plus working for myself from home. I’ve currently been spending afternoons working and mornings with the kiddos… but I’m considering trying to have one or two full work days from September and then switching off a little more in between time.

Mr Beastie is still up and down with his sleeping…meaning more days than not I’m a mombie, plus my skin is really suffering. I may have found the best eye ream ever – really loving this Antipodes Kiwi Seed oil cream – it makes a huge difference to how the skin around my eyes looks/feels. I’m about to embark on a series of small goals – trying to get myself back in shape and a whole lot healthier. I will be sharing them on here soon.

Miss Baya has her first gymnastics competition this weekend, and she’s a mixture of excited and nervous. Though I think I may be jsut as nervous as she is! It’s just a friendly comp – getting them ready for entering ‘real’ competitions next year. Other than that I’m hoping to have a quiet-ish weekend. There are a few house-jobs I want to get done, and I have some ideas I want to work on too!

What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. Alice

    July 11, 2016 at 23:20

    I’ve heard some really great things about Antipodes recently, I really must try them! And huuuge congrats again on the car! xx

  2. Mel Wiggins

    July 11, 2016 at 23:30

    A car! The freedom! My Dave threatens to do away with our car some days as it can be such a money pit and he is Mr. Sustainable Transport, but it will be unlikely that his threats amount to anything! Have a lovely week! Enjoy your new wheels of freedom! x

  3. Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    July 12, 2016 at 09:29

    Ahh I hope the weather is good for Camp Bestival, it must be quite near to use then. I might look at going next year. Yay for the car, it’s so great to be able to drive places, I don’t know what I would do without mine! x

  4. katie albury

    July 20, 2016 at 12:52

    So pleased that you are getting out and exploring with your new car! They really are such a huge ridiculous expense, but invaluable when it comes to ease and new adventures! x

  5. Gill Crawshaw

    July 20, 2016 at 13:02

    Ooh a car – think of all the trips you can make to IKEA! Sounds like it’ll be so must easier for festivals (looking forward to reading all about them) x

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