Year: 2016


That was Christmas!

A week on, I thought I ought to share a couple of Christmas photos before the New Year arrives. The kids were as excited as ever for Christmas this year, me not so. Somehow, despite everything, I pulled it off, everything got bought/wrapped/organised… that’s Mama’s for you – no matter what shit life throws your...

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A portrait of my kiddos, once a week for a year. And it’s a wrap – another 52 weeks of portraits. This was the third year that I’ve done this project, and I love all those photos to look back on! However, I think that I’m going to lay it to rest for the coming...

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Musings on a car journey

It’s late morning, I’m curled up in his car. Today is the boy’s second birthday and we’re heading out to the sea for a ‘family’ day out. The sun is shining, though the ground is covered in frost still.   It’s strangely calm and peaceful, though I can hear the chatter of the kiddos in...

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Last minute gift ideas

With just a couple of weeks to go, I thought I’d share a few last minute ideas if you still have gifts to buy! I *think* I’m all finished – just have a mountain of wrapping to get done now! You can see previous years gift guides here for even more ideas. For Her * Cacay Naturals...

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Life, lately

Phew… the last couple of weeks have been hectic, after losing a couple of months in the craziness of marriage breakdowns, I’ve spent the beginning of December desperately trying to get caught back up with myself, whilst still reeling and feeling like I’m living on a rollercoaster. I think that I might just be at a...

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Kidscast App & a giveaway

You probably won’t have heard of the new Kidscast App as it hasn’t actually launched yet. It is a new activity website and app for kids and will be launching very, very soon. Kidscast is aimed 3-12-year-olds, and is set to be a fun and safe kids entertainment platform. It will feature age appropriate shows, games,...

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Christmas Jumper Day

Did you know it was Christmas Jumper Day today? I’ve apparently been living under a rock, as I only found out last night when Lola told me she could wear a Christmas Jumper to school today and had to take in a donation for a local food bank for the privilege. Thankfully, last years jumper still...

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