Around Here

Hello! It’s been non-stop since we got home from Camp Bestival, making the most of every day of summer time! The photo is from our walk to the river last week, the pub next door have an adorable staffie puppy that we borrow when we go for a walk. The kiddos love him {there have been many cries of ‘we want a puppy!!} I’d love a dog, just have to convince the hubby ha!

This weekend I made a big batch of plum jam, last year the summer was such a washout, there was barely any fruit or veg to pick. I’m hoping to fill my store-cupboards back up with homemade jams and chutneys this summer, I’m planning to make strawberry jam, blackberry jam, courgette relish, apple and garlic chutney and green tomato chutneys. Come the winter I love being able to grab a jar from the cupboards.

Last night we went back to the river with friends, and had a BBQ dinner – it was a lovely, chilled way to spend a Sunday evening, I want more nights like that! {apart from the bit where Kiki fell in the cold river in all her clothes!}

We’re off to a friends little girls birthday party today – great beginning to a week! What does your week hold?

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