Saturday Sun


Saturday again! This weeks been a busy one… and I am pretty exhausted! Lots of exercise, lots of long walks, lots of busy days… I’m in need of a chilled and relaxing weekend to recover!

My week improved dramatically after I realised that my broken blender was still under a 3year extended warrenty and I can take it back to the shop and get a brand spanking new one :) I was so sad that it broke as I can’t afford to replace it – and now I don’t have to!

Also – I’m praying that we win the lottery this weekend – I am so poor right now it’s not funny :( Living on the breadline is rapidly losing it’s enjoyment…. oh, right – it never  was enjoyable. I may have to sell my soul soon at this rate!

Don’t forget you have until next Friday to enter the Mega May Sponsor Giveaway 11 prizes and 11 winners!!<


  1. Sarah

    May 21, 2011 at 12:28

     Yay for warranties! And I’ll send you some lucky vibes for that lottery ticket :D

  2. Karolina Pettersson

    May 21, 2011 at 18:08

     I hope we both win the lottery this weekend! Love can take you far but it doesn’t pay the rent… and that sucks. Lottery wins for the win! :) And I so hate to sell my soul, been done to many times… Well, Hope you are having a great weekend so far anyway. Love K

  3. Becks

    May 22, 2011 at 20:16

    Yay for th blender news, wish mine was under warranty, or hope that I get to payday without it going bang altogether. And at least there’s plenty of us keeping each other company on that ole breadline!


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