Tag: homebirth


Oren’s Birth Story

I promised myself that this pregnancy, I wouldn’t expect him to arrive early, yet the last three weeks I was so impatient. I was tired and achy and just wanted a baby in my arms already! There were a couple of false starts when I had a few twinges that came to nothing, but finally,...

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My homebirth essentials

{look at teeny little Beastie!!} I hit 37 weeks this week, so the midwives are now on all to attend me when I go into labour. Everything is set and in place {I think!} and we’re all ready to have this baby! I’m planning a homebirth again as my previous homebirths have been such fantastic...

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Why I chose homebirth

Two out of my four kiddos were born at home, and, honestly, it was the best decision I ever made. Having given birth in the hospital AND at home, I’d chose home every time. Being in my own surrounding left me more relaxed and more in control of the situation. In the hospital, I felt like I...

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