memoriegenie – keeping families connected

Memorie Genie for families

For the last couple of years, my girls and I have been using a WhatsApp group to chat and share photos, questions, etc with each other. It works pretty well for keeping us all connected, especially now that my eldest has moved away to live at University and isn’t home for much of the year.

The one downside to sharing photos in a group chat is that they get lost in between the endless memes, gifs, general chitchat, and random questions that get shared every day. Recently I was trying to find a certain picture that one of my girls had sent and it took me a very long time.

Last week I came across memoriegenie – an app that is designed to make it easy for you to remember those special moments and keep all of the family in the loop. I’ve been trying it out to see what I thought, and I’ve been really impressed. I take a lot of photos and they get lost in my camera roll so I spent a little time uploading them to memoriegenie in the hope it would make me a little more organised!

Totally free to use, memoriegenie lets you create events, to which you can add info to such as what the event was, when it happened, and where. These events can be shared with others in your group – for example, I set up a group that was just for me and my girls, as well as one that was for the wider family such as my Mum and sister. You can learn more about memoriegenie for families here.

Anyone in the group can add photos to the event – so you can combine everyone’s images and share them easily!

The app can be downloaded on Apple and Android and there is a desktop version too. I was really impressed at how easy it is to use – inviting group members is quick and simple, as is setting up an event. For keeping families connected even when they are miles apart it is a wonderful idea – I know my daughter at University sometimes feels like she’s missing out on family life. This app ensures that she doesn’t miss seeing any of the important {or fun} stuff that is happening and can share what she has been up to with us too.

My siblings live all over the country {and one in America} so we don’t get to spend a lot of time with them or my nieces. It’s nice to still feel like we are a part of one another’s lives even when there are miles between us.

A feature that I really loved is that you can favourite images and add comments to photos, this is great on photos that families have shared so you know which ones they liked the most and what they thought! My Mum has really loved being able to see snippets of our daily life and images from our holidays. I don’t share very many personal photos on social media, so this being private and safe is a wonderful tool to share photos only with those who we actually want to see them.

memoriegenie is an app that we will definitely continue to use as a family, and my girls have said how good it would be to use with their friends too.

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