A Family Meal Plan for March


I’m on the ball this month – 1st of the Month and I have this month’s meal plan ready to share! I’m hoping March will bring more spring-like weather, though I’m not counting on it, so still planning on lots of warming foods just in case! As usual, I’ll be feeding five of us – one adult, 1 teenager, 3 kiddos. 1 vegan, 2 vegetarians and 2 meat-eaters. I mainly cook vegetarian and sub in my vegan stuff {cheese, etc} where needed. If we’re having veggie sausages, the meat eaters will have meat ones if they want, I have no issues cooking meat for them – though I will only buy organic/free-range products.

We have two birthdays this month {mine & Baya’s, so I haven’t planned evening meals those days – we’ll likely eat out or have a take-away}.


Here’s what we’ll be eating this month:

* Pizza Night
* Spaghetti Bolognaise
* Picky Dinner
* Lentil Dahl, Coconut & Corriander Quinoa
* Pasta with Roast Veg
* Jacket Potatoes, Garlic Mushrooms, kale
* Mini Quiches, Sweet Potatoes, Corn Cobs
* Vegan Patties, Rice, Salad
* Buddha Bowls
* Roast Dinner
* Root Veg Soup
* Taco’s, Rice, Mexican ‘Slaw
* Crispy Tofu, Braised Green Lentils & Spinach
* Shepherds Pie
* Roasted Squash & Shallots with Chickpeas
* Naan Pizzas
* Picky Dinner
* Pasta Bake
* Vegetable Tagine
* Stuffed Mushrooms
* Squash Risotto
* Roasted Veg Tart
* Picky Dinner
* Curried Sweet Potato Soup
* Fajitas
* Roast Gnocchi, Pesto, Veggies
* Veggie Curry
* Roast Vegetables & Sausages

What are you eating this month?

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  1. Clare

    March 1, 2018 at 21:22

    Wow that is certainly very organised, I don’t know what we are having for dinner tomorrow!

  2. Laura

    March 1, 2018 at 22:11

    There’s some amazing meals on this menu. Your family are very lucky.

  3. Sonia

    March 2, 2018 at 09:44

    Oh you are so organised to plan a month’s worth of food, I always do weekly and find it so stressful! I think maybe it would be easier and better for us to do monthly though as I can imagine I would add more variety. I might give it a try, thanks for the inspiration x

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