A day at the river with HUGGIES® Little Swimmers®

a day at the river with huggies little swimmers

I’m not sure what’s going on with the weatehr this summer, but we’ve had day after day of rain. We’ve been for a few {soggy} days out and gotten rained on eating our picnic far too many times! As Huggies® Little Swimmers® Get Set, Spash Ambassadors, we’ve been keeping a couple of their swim nappies in our chaning bag on the offchance that the sun comes out and we can make a spontaneous trip somewhere nice!

Thankfully, yesterday, the sun finally shone! We’d arranged a picnic with some of our home ed friends, and I’ve spent the week weather watching, fingers crossed, hoping it would be dry. The day started with a few black clouds, but by midday when we were meeting, they had all vanished and the sun was shining. We spent a fabulous afternoon s0plashing around in the river with friends.

beastie at the river

The nappies are easy to pull on {making for a quick, tear free change time!} and the tear off sides make taking them off easy too. Beastie had a great afternoon, sitting by the edge of the river throwing stones in {it kept him occupied for four hours!!} and the nappies didn’t swell up at all, even when he sat down in the water. Plus, the fab new Disney© Pixar Finding Dory designs are so cute!!

We made a little video about Huggies® Little Swimmers® and our day at the river.

post in association with Huggies

1 Comment

  1. Molly

    July 20, 2016 at 13:11

    Ah cute video and pictures! We love the Huggies Little Swimmers – Baby Girl’s now learned how to take them off herself though which means change time post-swim is…. fun!

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