Tag: what mama wore


Style ruts, body image and a new dress

I’ve been feeling like I’ve been stuck in something of a style rut lately. Well, ever since Beastie was born really. Most days you’ll find me in jeans and a t-shirt {my current fave is my Mother Tee}. That’s all well and good, practical for running around after a toddler, playing with the kids and...

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What Mama Wore – JORD Wood Watch

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a ‘What Mama Wore’ post… frankly, post baby, I just haven’t been feeling it. While most of the baby weight has gone, I’ve not felt quite like myself or like posing for the camera! In fact the last one I did was back in March when we...

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What We Wore – Mama and Baya Style

Brrrr… it’s super chilly right now! Thankfully though, the weather has mainly stuck to the sunny side and not so much rain, although the kiddos have their fingers crossed for snow this winter! I’ve been struggling the past few weeks as my bump has gotten so big and so low that I’ve run out of...

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What Mama Wore

Happy Hump Day!! Today I’m awaiting delivery of a new freezer {ready for stocking up with delicious meals for when baby boy arrives!}, supervising homeschool and hopefully painting the kitchen!! I’m making the most of this middle part of pregnancy when I’m feeling good and full of energy – though I’m sure I’m driving my...

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What Baya Wore

This little miss is such a cutie…. and she knows it!! Seriously though, she’s a sweet little thing, but can give as good as her sisters dish out. I think she’s excited to be a big sister when the little man makes an appearance – so far she’s told me she’s going to feed him,...

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