Tag: maternity series


Maternity Series – Week 23

I’m not sure if I have a particularly large bump, but lots of people keep asking me when I’m due… 17 weeks to go and I’m so impatient! I’m still feeling good… tired, but that’s down to a trip away and having run out of my Spatone {ooops}. A few days and I’ll be feeling...

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Maternity Series – Week 22

22 weeks… feeling pretty good still. Sleeping SO much better now I have a maternity pillow – who knew it would make so much of a difference! Little Man is sitting really low down, I can feel him wriggling on my bladder sometimes, and pressing on my hips. This week, I’ve really started to notice...

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Maternity Series – Week 21

I’ve been feeling great this week – just getting used to the idea of having a boy after three girls! It was quite a surprise, but Kiki and Baya were very excited to be getting a brother! Lola is less keen on the idea of ‘boy bits’ ha! I’m glad we know, so I can...

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Maternity Series – Week 20

Halfway!!! This pregnancy is racing by, and today is the day we get to find out if it’s blue or pink? Final predictions??? I’m feeling pretty good still, bump is very prominent but not getting in the way too much yet… though lots of people have told me it’s really big! I slept fine camping...

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Maternity Series – Week 19

Nineteen weeks – there’s no hiding this bump! It’s only when I see these photos that I realise how much it’s there. I’m still wearing mostly my normal clothes, though my shorts are getting a touch tight {thank goodness for the hair bobble on the button trick!}. I’m still feeling pretty great, sickness is long...

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Maternity Series – Week 18

Eighteen Weeks – so close to the halfway mark! I’m so impatient now for our twenty week scan! I wish I could go right now. We’ve been talking names this week, and think we have *the one*. My fabulous new pram arrived this wee – thanks to Cosatto. So all we really need are clothes...

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Maternity Series – Week 17

Seventeen weeks – this pregnancy is flying by! I’m feeling pretty good, the tiredness has eased off – I’m still tired, but it’s not so all consuming as it was. I think I’ve been hit by an early case of nesting! The baby’s room has been cleared out, walls painted, Papa has mended a broken...

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Maternity Series – Week 16

Sixteen weeks today! I’m feeling much better now that first trimester is long behind me. Still tired, but not quite so ridiculously so. It feels so good not having to hide my bump… having kept this quite for a couple of months it’s nice to be able to flaunt it ;) And to be honest...

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