Tag: breastfeeding


Some thoughts on ending breastfeeding

I’ve written before about breastfeeding on here, and the journey Beastie and I have had. I thought it was only fitting that I wrote a little update now that we are done. He stopped feeding around six weeks ago, meaning we fed for just over three and a half years. If you’d have told me...

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Breastfeeding – celebrating two years

When I was expecting Beastie, one of the things I was most looking forward to was breastfeeding again. My breastfeeding journey with the girls wasn’t so easy, marred with PND, lack of support at home and derogatory comments on a daily basis, I never made it past the three-month mark, which was something that always...

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Multi-Mam Review

I mentioned before that Multi-Mam Balm was one of my breastfeeding essentials in the first few weeks after Vega was born. I credit it with preventing me getting sore or chapped nipples at all this time around. The balm is totally safe for your baby, meaning it doesn’t need to be wiped off before you...

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Breastfeeding Essentials

Breastfeeding is such an amazing experience. Nothing beats feeding your baby yourself, and seeing them growing, knowing that your body is providing them with all the nourishment they need. Breastfeeding should be easy, but in truth it isn’t always. Unfortunately, there isn’t always the support for new mothers to help them overcome problems. The first...

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