Tag: baby bump


Dear Bean – Week Thirty Nine

Dear Bean We are so close to meeting you. I cannot wait, for know the moment I hold you in my arms, my anxiety and fear and worry will melt away. My hormones are all over right now, I am crazily tired and walking feels like he’s about to fall out any minute! I’ve been...

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Maternity Series – Week 39

*SIGH* Still pregnant….. not much else to say! A little fed up and totally ready for this baby to come! His head is right down now, I can feel him pushing on my hips, and walking has really become a waddle! I’m a little stressed and emotional this week, just want this baby in my...

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Maternity Series – Week 38

Ugh. *Still* pregnant and very fed up! I’m honestly exhausted now, and I really want this baby out of me. I feel like I’ve hit the wall this week, tired and emotional I can’t do anymore. Everything is set and ready, I’m actually sleeping okay for the most, but just lacking in any energy to...

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Maternity Series – Week 37

Quite honestly, I’ve had enough of being pregnant. I’m tired and emotional. We went out for lunch yesterday, and you can see EVERYONE looking at me like this baby’s about to pop out any second ha! I feel {and may actually do} like staying home, shutting the door, lighting a fire, switching off my phone...

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Maternity Series – Week 36

Holy moly – four weeks to go! I *think* we’re all set for Beastie to arrive…. his clothes are all washed and ready, we have nappies, and muslins, and a whole other load of baby paraphanalia. Oh – and finally a finished nursery! We got a new crib this past week and I got it...

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Maternity Series – Week 35

Feeling like we’re hitting the final countdown to meeting this baby! I’m definetly feeling ready to not be pregnant, it’s getting harder to bend down and put socks/shoes on – I may have to employ the kiddos to do this for me! Thankfully, I’m still sleeping really well which is great. All was good at...

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Maternity Series – Week 34

SIX WEEKS TO GO!!! Yikes…. while I’m practically ready, there are a few last things that I need to sort out, hoping to get it all done this week, whilst finishing up the painting, stocking the freezer, *trying* to get ahead on some work…. maybe I could do with a few extra weeks?! Feeling good...

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Maternity Series – Week 33

Can someone slow down these weeks please?! Thirty-three down, only seven or so to go….. I’ve been feeling better this past week, the headaches have cleared, my back isn’t hurting too much and I’ve been sleeping pretty well. Still…. I’m beginning to feel the need to slow down, my energy has definitely dipped and everything...

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