pleasure in the pathless woods…

source this is one of my favourite poems, it’s beautiful and exquisite… fills me with the urge to get outside and enjoy this beautiful world. i didn’t have a specific blog planned for today… i was wondering what on earth to write… life lately has been full and wonderful. we’re enjoying life and basking in...

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Guestpost // Lunar wisdom

Hello everyone! My name is Marissa and I am over at Moondaughter. Polly has asked me to share some Lunar wisdom and I am so delighted to! Working with the Moon as a part of my spiritual path is such a passion of mine and is so rewarding. Today I will share with you a...

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happiness is….

 ‘happiness is…’ –  each week we’ll meet two lovely ladies to find out what happiness is to them…. if you’d like to take part please drop me an email :) BLOG what makes you happiest? waking up after sleeping in, eating a delicious breakfast with my mister, cuddling on the couch with our two fat...

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happiness is….

‘happiness is…’ –  each week we’ll meet two lovely ladies to find out what happiness is to them…. if you’d like to take part please drop me an email :) blog what makes you happiest? Being surrounded by & filled up with so much love that I’m a vessel overflowing with love energy…so beautiful. do...

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happiness is….

 ‘happiness is…’ –  each week we’ll meet two lovely ladies to find out what happiness is to them…. if you’d like to take part please drop me an email :) blog what makes you happiest? Falling into bed with my little boy at the end of the day, watching his chest rise and fall as...

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