Three Good Things

Hey there new week! It’s a Bank Holiday here this weekend, typically the weather has been a little less than sunny, though I’m hoping it’s cleared up before Thursday when we head off to the first festival of the year! This month seems to have flown by so fast, we’ve been busy bees, though we’ve still managed to enjoy the sunshine that we’ve been having.

I’ve got a huge list of things that have to be done before we go away later in the week, so it’s going to be a busy few days for me – though we’re off for a picnic and a family fun day in the park with friends this afternoon.

Anyway, here are my #threegoodthings from last week:

* Bedtime stories ~ I love, love, love reading bedtimes stories – even after fifteen years of them! No matter what, we always find time for a story {or three} before bed. I love that my kiddos love books as much as I do.

Finding my tribe ~ for years, I’ve wished for a tribe, a group of folks who get me, who have my back, who are a part of my life, who I can have fun with. My anxiety and depression kept that from me for years, making me keep my distance from others. So to finally have overcome that, and to have the confidence to socialise and found my tribe is amazing ♥

Slow Sundays ~ amidst all the crazy-ness of life, we savour the odd quiet day we manage. yesterday was one of those, it was a rainy, stormy day. A Sunday, the only day the kiddos don’t have any groups/commitments, and we had nothing planned as the car boot we’d hoped to go to was rained off. We pottered around the house, did a few jobs, played a few games, cuddled the kittens{!}, watched a movie, read some books and just relaxed. BLISS.

What are your three good things from last week?

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Enchanted Pixie

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