Review || ZeroWater Filter Jug & Kefirko

The last couple of months seem to have been about ‘life laundry’ here. Getting everything straight and in order, and getting back on track in areas that I’d slipped on. One thing I’ve been conscious of is really cleaning up our diets. While we’re generally pretty healthy, clean eaters, it’s easy to let standards slip a little when I’m struggling with depression and anxiety. I challenged all of us to up our water intake, as I realised that we weren’t drinking enough to keep us hydrated.

We’ve been testing out the ZeroWater Filter jug for the last few weeks, and I have to say it’s been amazing having filtered water again – the taste really is so much better. ZeroWater Filters remove around half of all dissolved solids {compared to Brita filters that only remove around half}. It is certified to reduce Lead, Chromium, & Mercury – you can see a full list of what it removes HERE. The jugs come with a free TDS meter so you can measure the quality of your water.

They sell several different sizes, depending on your needs, we have the 12cup which is great for the five of us as I don’t have to fill it up every five minutes! It fits in the fridge – cold water in this hot weather has been amazing! The kids favourite thing about it is that it has a one-handed, pull and pour button spout for easy pouring from the fridge or for filling bottles. They love it way too much!!

I’ve also been making my own Water Kefir with the Kefirko. Water kefir is a probiotic beverage made with water kefir grains. I’ve drunk Kombucha in the past but not kefir. Although kefir and kombucha both contain healthful microbes, kefir is a richer source of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). So, kefir is more of a drinkable probiotic supplement and kombucha a digestive aid. You can see some of the benefits of drinking kefir HERE.

The Kefirko makes it so easy to make your own water kefir. The kid consists of a glass jar, a strainer lid, top lid to maintain airflow, a squeezer, and a swizzle stick. The only other thing you need to purchase is some water kefir grains and you’re good to go.

To make, you simply put the grains in the jar, fill it with fresh water and add sugar and/or dried fruits. Put the lids on, leaving the top lid slightly open to allow the air to circulate to aid fermentation. Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours, then strain the kefir water into glass jars. Seal them and store in the fridge for another day for secondary fermentation.

The plain water kefir tasted good enough to drink – but there are all sorts of ways to flavour it – you can even make fizzy orangeade with it!

I’ve been enjoying drinking a glass of water kefir eveexchangend the health benefits it brings. The fizzy orangeade has proved a poplular drink with my kdidos too!

We were sent these items in exxhcnage for this review – all thoughts and opinions are my own

1 Comment

  1. Merkitty

    July 10, 2018 at 15:08

    Cool. I’ve never heard of this one before.. and I love that it has a tap like thing built in to it. So clever.

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