In the Night Garden #PicnicParty

You might remember I posted about hosting an In The Night Garden Themed #PicnicParty for the NSPCC. We managed to find a rare bit of dry weather in amongst all of the rain we’ve been having to enjoy a little picnic in the garden.

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The In the Night Garden Picnic Party campaign was all about In the Night Garden supporting the NSPCC in their goal to keep more children safe. The NSPCC is encouraging anyone and everyone to arrange their very own picnic party to fundraise for various services including the Speak Out, Stay Safe programme in schools, and Childline.

We had a great time hunting for Pontipines, dancing like Upsy Daisy, drinking Pinky Ponk Juice and eating Jelly Boats. Here are some photos from our party. If you couldn’t hold your own, you can still sponsor our #PicnicParty here

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