Capturing shared moments with Memory Lane

Mummy-daughter time activity ideas

As is probably fairly obvious from all the photos I share on here, facebook and Instagram, I love taking photos of my family. Not just photos of special occasions – birthdays, Christmas or even days out or holidays. But photos of those little, everyday moments. The special moments that we share with our children such as snuggling on the sofa, reading stories together, baking cookies or even telling silly jokes!

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Buttons have launched an amazing new tool called Memory Lane that allows you create your own personalised movie of your special moments – and share them with your friends and family. You can see me creating my Memory Lane and sharing three special moments in the video below.

If you create your own movie I’d love to see it! Leave me a link below, or share on social media with the #ButtonsMemoryLane so I can see!

This post is in association with Cadburys

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