Fairtrade Felt Ball Rugs

While I know we’re lucky to have this lovely new house, that was redecorated just as we moved in… I still wish we had wooden floors downstairs. I’m not a big fan of carpets, even this brand new grey one! I’ve added a few rugs to the house to transform the floor space, I love how much a rug can finish a room off, and totally alter how it looks. With little ones playing on the floor, rugs make a great place for them to sit too – a nice cosy rug is far better for a baby to play on than a rough carpet.  We have one rug in our living room, but I wanted another to put in front of the sideboard as there was a big open space that I wanted to make feel a little warmer.

sukhi rug

So when Sukhi approached me about these gorgeous Felt ball rugs I was intrigued. I’ve come across felt ball rugs before and always lusted after them – even had an idea of making one, which of course is not likely to happen anytime soon! Each rug is handmade by Nepalese artisans from hundreds or thousands of handmade felt balls. As each rug is made to order and comes in so many colour combinations, you can create a rug that perfectly matches your decor.

polly sukhi rug

After much deliberation, I choose the Deevyah Rectangle Felt Ball Rug, and waited patiently for it to be made and arrive. When we opened it up, my girls were excited that there was a label telling us who made the rug for us {if you’re wondering, it was a lady named Sunita Khaniga}. The quality of the rug is amazing, because each felt ball is handmade no two are identical which brings a lovely unique vibe to these rugs.

sukhi rug made by sunita

My middle two were ridiculously excited by it… they said that it felt ‘funny and lovely’ on their bare feet! Master Vega loves to sit and play on it too. We now have this rug on our wishlist for the playroom.

sukhi rug playtime

Sukhi are a fantastic company that only engage in fairtrade practices with artisans abroad, something which is really important to me. They train their artisans and pay them a fair wage, as well as offering them comfortable working conditions.  It’s fantastic to know that buy purchasing your rug from Sukhi, you are helping to support these artisans as well as preserving this art form. Not only do they have artisans in Nepal, but also in Turkey, Morocco and India. Why not follow along on their Instagram?

Here is a little video, showing how these amazing ladies actually make these rugs

1 Comment

  1. Gill Crawshaw

    November 19, 2015 at 10:07

    These rugs look AMAZING! And so soft and warm too. Love the company and the story behind them too. I’m putting this on my wishlist for a couple of years time when there’s less chance of spillages and grubby handprints on them :-) x

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