Saturday Sun

least i hope there’s going to be some sunshine!! we’re off camping for a couple days today…. fingers crossed we don’t get flooded out ha! i’m so glad to be going away, i’ve been super busy the past few weeks i’m in desperate need of a couple days off. i’ve been finishing off getting our homeschool plans and projects in place {i have a post about that next week!}, plus doing some work for a new blog project i’m involved in! i’m in the middle of making some new stock for my shop as well as for a couple of outlets here.
on top of all that i’ve sorted and decluttered my house… it started when i was reorganising the home school stuff and art supplies… i felt the urge to keep going and boy does it feel good to rid the house of some clutter! so it was very timely that i was offered some of ecover‘s new zero range to test out. we’re already ecover fans in this house, but the new range has been specially crafted to for people who want a fragrance free allergy-approved. perfect for sensitive skin, the zero core range is dermatologically tested and approved by allergy uk.

we got sent some laundry liquid, fabric conditioner, washing up liquid, a tea towel and dishcloth in a cloth tote. i was interested to try out the laundry liquid and fabric conditioner, as lola and i have very sensitive skin, and i usually stick to washing balls as opposed to any liquids/powders – as most irritate our skin. we tried it out over a few washes, and so far so good! i washed our bedding in it which was the biggest test as we’re laid on the sheets for hours at a time. but it looks like it hasn’t irritated us at all – great news!!

i’ll definitely be buying more of this range in future – if you want to try it out, you can buy it online here.

and now to go finish the packing for our camping trip :)

hope you all have a fantastic weekend

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  1. Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos

    August 25, 2012 at 11:51

    Hope you have a wonderful camping trip! I really want to take my boys camping, I think they’d get a kick out of it. :)

  2. Kelsey Poofy Cheeks

    August 26, 2012 at 00:58

    Jealous!! We were planning to go camping Sunday and Monday but instead it looks like we have a hurricane coming :( Hope you have lots of fun!!

  3. bhrett @ lost in relocation

    August 26, 2012 at 17:46

    I love that it’s eco/human friendly, but I can’t get over the cost. We make our own detergents using ivory soap, borax, and baking soda and such.

    Have a great camping trip!
    xo bhrett

    1. Polly Davies

      August 27, 2012 at 12:31

      it is expensive to buy – this is why i usually stick to washing balls for my laundry – £10 covers me for around 1,000 washes!

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