What I Wore Wednesday

I nearly didn’t get any outfit photos to post this week. It’s been one of those weeks, when every outfit I’ve put on, I’ve not really liked…. I’m sure they look just as good as normal, just I’m having a funny week! Plus I’m not really digging my hair this week.. I spent months growing out my fringe, to cut the damn thing off again, and now I don’t think I like it -EEEP!

Anyways: I did get some photos snapped yesterday, wearing a beautiful yellow top that I thrifted last week for 20p!!!!! Bargain :)

Top – thrifted
Vest – New Look
Skirt – thrifted
Leggings – primark

Miss Lola’s 8th Birthday went without a hitch on Sunday. She got a tonne of gifts – such a lucky girl! And she was thrilled with the surprise guinea pig we bought her. We used to have a guinea pig and a rabbit, but they died a year and a half ago. I’d said no more little pets. But she loves them so much – and hadn’t even asked for one, so the hubby and I decided to surprise her! She is in love – spends all day in his run cuddling him!

Lola and ‘Mr Nibbles’!!

Did you see the doily necklaces I added to my Etsy Shop this week?? You can save 25% today with coupon wednesdaydeals

**edited to add a photo of me wearing one of the doily necklaces :) **

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  1. Trina Curran

    May 18, 2011 at 12:11

    What a fun birthday surprise!  He’s a cute little guy.  My daughter stops to watch them every time we go to the pet store to get cat food.  :)  

  2. Ashley @

    May 18, 2011 at 11:30

    I think you’re still cute as code be, miss! I always love your outfits (and your hair!)

    So glad the party went well!

  3. Kaytee

    May 18, 2011 at 12:35

    The new necklaces are really cute! Could you post a picture of what they look like on? Trying to picture it…

  4. Joyfulsparrow

    May 18, 2011 at 12:54

    I really like your hair!! And happy birthday to lil miss Lola!

  5. Rebecca BK

    May 18, 2011 at 16:29

     What a lovely post and I adore the colours in your outfit :) What a precious gift! I have four guinea pigs and I love them all to bits x

  6. Claire M.

    May 19, 2011 at 09:32

    I love the girls outfit :)

    Claire M.

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