Ordinary Moments

Yesterday was one of those days where nothing seems to get done. I woke up with my alarm, switched it off, and fell back asleep. When Baya woke me up it was almost 9am. Kiki and Papa didn’t wake up till 10:30am! By the time we had all had breakfast, got showered and dressed it was lunchtime already. I decided to go with it, and called a lazy day. We took a walk after lunch for a little shoe shopping, then that it was free ice-cream day at Ben and Jerry’s. So, we dropped the shopping off at home, and took a walk to the cinema for some ice-cream! We managed two pots each, the kiddos were very excited to get free ice-cream! We topped the evening off with a bike ride as the sun decided to come out! Whilst it was a very unproductive day, we had lots of fun!

apologies for the not-so-great photos – I was so excited about free ice-cream I forgot to grab my camera, and had to use my phone!


  1. Fiona

    April 9, 2014 at 10:46

    Lazy days are awesome :) x

  2. Gill Crawshaw

    April 9, 2014 at 14:47

    So jealous of the free ice-cream! Amazing. Love lazy days.

  3. Fritha

    April 9, 2014 at 15:47

    sounds like the PERFECT day! I’m so jealous of your lie in, counting down the days until W sleeps in later than 6.30 ;) xx

  4. Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    April 9, 2014 at 19:57

    Ahh I love that first photo. And lie-ins sound amazing! x

  5. abigail

    April 9, 2014 at 21:33

    That just sounds like the best day! In fact any day that includes free ice cream, especially ben and jerrys is guaranteed to be good one right?

  6. Laura

    April 10, 2014 at 11:20

    I love days like these and it sounds like you had a lot of fun and some great family time -and what is this about free ice-cream!!
    I need to know more

    Laura x

  7. Purplemum

    April 12, 2014 at 11:36

    FREE ICECREAM! You lucky things. I love days like that, sounds like you had a good one.

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