Tag: Pregnancy archive


Postpartum Essentials Checklist

Throughout pregnancy, all of your focus is on your newborn essentials, on labour and delivery… and not so much on what are your postpartum essentials for those first days/weeks after the baby arrives. Giving birth is hard work, and it can leave you feeling sore and physically exhausted… and that’s before you start on those...

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How did you announce your baby bump?

Announcing an impending arrival in fun and creative ways is becoming more and more popular. When we had our first three children, we didn’t have the internet at home, let alone smart phones so there was no big announcement on Social Media, we simply told family and friends, showing off our first scan picture. This...

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Vega’s Birth Story

I spent the last trimester of my pregnancy convinced I would give birth well before my due date. Our third child was three weeks early, and this bump sat really low the whole time. Even my midwife told me I’d deliver well before my due date. So as the 22nd December came and went, I...

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Maternity Series – Week 39

*SIGH* Still pregnant….. not much else to say! A little fed up and totally ready for this baby to come! His head is right down now, I can feel him pushing on my hips, and walking has really become a waddle! I’m a little stressed and emotional this week, just want this baby in my...

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Maternity Series – Week 38

Ugh. *Still* pregnant and very fed up! I’m honestly exhausted now, and I really want this baby out of me. I feel like I’ve hit the wall this week, tired and emotional I can’t do anymore. Everything is set and ready, I’m actually sleeping okay for the most, but just lacking in any energy to...

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