Tag: baby


Baby Registry Wishlist

I was chatting with a friend the other day who is expecting her first baby. She’d seen some list in a magazine with about a million things {I’m not lying either} that she would need for the new baby. I remember having a similar list when I was expecting Lola, and feeling so overwhelmed at...

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Pacapod – Changing Bag Review

After 12 year of carrying a changing bag around, I’ve finally found one that I actually like! I’ve been trying this Pacapod Jura bag out. I love the fact it is functional BUT looks great too! It’s made a big difference in me feeling a little more organised than normal! I filmed a little vlog...

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Come & Wean with us

Weaning is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. If you’re a first time Mum, the thought of introducing food to your baby can be a little overwhelming. Knowing when to start, and what to offer, the right textures to give and adding new flavours to your baby can seem like a huge...

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Planning a new nursery

cot // rug // wallstickers // light // blanket // blind // baskets You might remember the nursery reveal I shared late last year, of the room we put together for Vega. Now we’re moving, I have to start all over again! It’s great timing as he’s acutally just outgrown his crib and moses basket...

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Breastfeeding Essentials

Breastfeeding is such an amazing experience. Nothing beats feeding your baby yourself, and seeing them growing, knowing that your body is providing them with all the nourishment they need. Breastfeeding should be easy, but in truth it isn’t always. Unfortunately, there isn’t always the support for new mothers to help them overcome problems. The first...

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Sleep tips for babies {or what works for us}

While I’m not one for strict routines or set times with a baby, having a flexible routine, especially come bedtime, really does make life easier. With all four of our kiddos, we’ve implemented a loose bedtime routine from around 6-8 weeks. They’ve all slept through from around the 8-12 week mark. Vega now at 13...

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