This Homeschooling Life #6

Another new month and the sixth edition of ‘This Homeschool Life’. I have to admit to being a little glad January is over. It’s probably my least favourite month of the year. We all struggled to get back into any kind of ‘routine’ after the lovely Christmas break. This month so far has been wet,...

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This Homeschooling Life #5

I’m back with another ‘This Homeschooling Life’ linky. December passed by in a blur, and was mainly taken up with Christmas… while the big kids still did their usual ‘school work’ for the first couple of weeks, I feel like we didn’t do much of anything else. In reality I know they did… they baked,...

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This Homeschooling Life #4

Welcome back to the fourth This Homeschooling LIfe. Can you believe we’re in December already?? This past month has been a busy one, now the weather has been a bit {lot} colder, we’ve been spending more time at home. Winter usually sees us home more and doing a little more ‘school work’. The girls usually...

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This Homeschooling Life #3

Thanks to those of you who linked up with last month’s This Homeschooling Life. I’m loving this linky – personally, it’s a great way for me to stop and see what we’ve done through the month. Life is hectic and it’s easy to rush along and feel like you haven’t achieved much of anything. October...

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This Homeschooling Life #2

It was really fun seeing all of the posts that you linked up last time! I have to admit, I don’t have many photos of ‘homeschool-y’ things that we’ve done this month. This month has been a case of grabbing any little spots of time we can to fit in some work/activities as the baby...

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This Homeschooling Life #1

Hello! I’m here with the first post in our new linky today. This Homeschooling Life is a collaborative idea to show you a glimpse into our day to day life. With four kiddos at home 24/7 it can get pretty hectic. We took the summer ‘off’ – I did a little less than usual work...

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Homeschooling & high school

While we’re taking a bit of a summer break from work/homeschooling, it’s giving me the headspace to plan out what we’re going to be doing come September. While we don’t have to follow school terms, or curriculums, we usually stick to them roughly… there are often activities on in the school holidays that the kiddos...

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Homeschooling Update

Someone asked me the other day how we were getting on homeschooling since the baby arrived, so I thought I’d post a little update here too. Obviously having a baby throws all your well ordered routines right out of the window, they take up a lot of your time and leave you exhausted. With three...

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