Category: FAMILY



After a morning baking and then sampling our baked goods, it was off to the park to burn it all off with a couple of hours of sledging fun. We had a great time, even Baya enjoyed a little sledge :D Back in the warm now, ready for some butternut squash and sweet potato soup...

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Give handmade

I’ve decided that I’m going to make our presents for peoples birthdays this year, so this is my first one! G’s sisters birthday is coming up, and as we don’t get to see her very often I thought I’d paint a canvas and add some photo’s of her 3 neices on it! Turned out quite...

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Pirates Girls

Here’s my three cute pirate pixie’s ready for a friends pirate birthday party today! They had a great time bouncing on the bouncy castle, dancing and bashing the pinata!!!!

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Fun in the Snow

After jealously watching other parts of the country get more than their fair share of snow, and only a small sprinkling here before Christmas, we were very excited to get 6 whole inches on Wednesday afternoon!!!! Lola was straight out there as soon as it started to fall building a teeny but very cute snowman!...

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