Making Sunday Count

Sunday. The day of rest. Except it isn’t anymore. How many of us treat Sunday as just another day? How many of us have to work?

Lockdown has shown me where I’ve fallen off my path. It’s highlighted what is important to me, and what isn’t. Shown me the things that need to change.

It’s reminded me why I choose slow living. Why I do’nt wnat to be a part of the rat race. Why I cherish my time at home.

In ‘normal’ times, it is far more hectic than now. WIth five childrne that’s a given. The bigger ones have lessons and groups, and friends, and activiites. There are very few days when we can just be. When we are not ruled by the clock.

Sunday’s are usually my slowest day of the week, now and in ‘real life’. The only day the kiddos don’t have groups, two or three are often with their Dad so it’s quieter and less pressured.

It’s the day when I can take it slowly, when I do’nt have to bounce out of bed and start the day before I’ve fully come to life.

I’ve been remembering recently how good that is for the soul. To linger in bed, playing games with the baby and anyone else who might be home and wander down to find us. Rising at last to make a cup of tea, and drinking it slowly in the garden. Listening to the morning bird song, feeling the sun warming my skin, and letting myself slowly wake up.

Taking the time to cook a delicious weekend breakfast, rather than grabbing a quick bowl of muesli or some fruit. This morning, with just Oren and I awake, we cooked potato cakes, baked beans, chopped tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, and some vegan halloumi and we enjoyed every single bite.

Sundays are for slow living, good food, friends and family. Reading while the baby naps, writing, walks to the river, lounging around, playing… having fun and just being.

Of course, your Sunday doesn’t have to be an actual Sunday. it could be any day of the week that works for you. Choosing a day when you can ignore the clock and the to-do lists, when you can be fully present all day and do all the things that fill you up and make you smile. That is the way to set yourself up for a good week ahead.

Sundays are sacred. I need days like this more and more as the world returns to normal and our pace of life picks up again. Days when I can catch up with myself and fill up my own cup, ready for another week ahead.

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