
After weeks of being just the six of us, being able to finally meet up with friends has been a breath of fresh air. The kiddos had hit the point when they really needed to see their friends, this isolation is not good in any capacity for anyone, we are not meant to live so disconnected from the world.

A chance to see people in the flesh, to talk and to laugh, and to de-stress has been just what we needed. While I love time to myself, and time at home, twelve or so weeks is far too much.

I’ve enjoyed the slow days, I’ve gotten so much done around the house, had the space I needed to clear through things in my head, I feel as though I’ve shed a whole load of weight I was carrying on my shoulders. I feel refreshed and revitalised – with new plans and dreams and goals.

I know not everyone has found lockdown so enjoyable, and there have been days it has been tough – but after the last {almost} four years of me just keeping on and on despite everything, I think this was just what I needed. An enforced time to slow down, to just be, to stop running and take a breath and actually process everything.

I’ve been running on automatic since my marriage broke down, keeping everything going, kiddos, single parenting, home educating, self-employment… surviving and getting out of an abusive relationship, then dealing with pregnancy/birth/newborn all by myself.

I feel lighter than I have in a long time, more sure about what I want and where I want to go. Ready to make some changes, to create a new world, to step out of my comfort zone and build something amazing.

For now, I’m enjoying catching up with friends, in seeing the joy a play date brings to the kiddos. To seeing their stress levels drop as they see hope that our lives will resume.

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