6 Reasons to Go Vegan that You Might Never Have Considered Before

There are many different ways to define the term “self-care.” For some individuals, it means taking some time to get mentally healthy through meditation, yoga, or therapy. For others, self-care might involve healthy eating and exercise.

If your physical wellbeing is foremost in your mind, then one of the better self-care options might be switching over to a vegan diet. When you go vegan, you’re doing your body a lot of good.

Let’s look at six compelling reasons why going vegan might be the best thing you could ever do for yourself.

When You Go Vegan, You’re Not Killing or Exploiting Any Animals

One aspect of a vegan diet is that you won’t have any animal deaths on your conscious. Vegan recipe alternatives for healthy eating include:

  • Soups
  • Stews
  • Casseroles
  • Snacks
  • Salads

It’s possible for there to be animal by-products in any of those, but if you look for vegan alternatives, you can make sure through your ingredient choices that isn’t the case.

Sparing animal lives should make you feel good about yourself. When you know that you’re living sustainably, that’s an excellent way to care for yourself physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

Vegans Also Contribute to a Better Environment

It uses up resources to raise animals to eat them or use products made from them. Meat and other animal byproducts take up a lot of space that you could use for more sustainable agriculture practices.

Meat production:

  • Creates lots of pollution
  • Is wasteful and unsightly
  • Is unduly cruel to the animals in many cases

Many experts feel that going vegan can do more for the planet than other initiatives, such as switching over to an electric car from a gas-fueled vehicle. We all need to do our part to reverse the course of climate change, and a vegan lifestyle is an excellent step toward doing that.

Many Celebrities Are Doing It as Well

Celebrities aren’t always the best role models, but many of them live a vegan lifestyle, and you would do well to follow their examples. Actors such as Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, Alicia Silverstone, Joaquin Phoenix, and Natalia Portman all have gone on the record that they’re vegans. Many in the music industry, such as Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, and Carrie Underwood, are vegans as well.

You can be proud that you’re following their example, at least in this instance. You might even be more appreciative of certain celebrities once you discover that your food choices and ideals align with theirs.


You Avoid Many Possible Health Problems

There are also many physical conditions that you’re less likely to deal with if you shun meat and go with healthier alternatives. For instance, meat, eggs, and other dairy products all give you a significant dose of saturated animal fat and cholesterol. Too much of these can clog your heart’s arteries, making strokes and heart attack more likely.

You particularly want to watch for those things if you have a hereditary predisposition toward them. Saturated fat and cholesterol can also impede blood flow to other organs over time.

You Might Attract Like-Minded People

It’s also true that vegans like to be amongst those who share their beliefs. Maybe you’re on the lookout for that special someone, and dating apps or your friend circle haven’t revealed them yet.

If someone knows that you’re vegan, they’ll understand that you’re passionate about animals. You can bond over that as a conversation starter. You’ll also be in better shape since you don’t eat meat, which will make you appear more attractive to a potential partner.

You’re Sparing the Lives of Intelligent and Peace-Loving Animals

On top of all that, when you refrain from eating animals, you won’t be ingesting creatures that are actually quite intelligent.

Pigs are smart, to the point that they can solve simple problems and make good pets. They’re empathetic, and have personalities, like cats or dogs. They can even learn how to play simple video games.

Cows aren’t the brightest creatures in the world, but they’re calm and peace-loving. Slaughtering them is big business, and the process is the most traumatic that you could envision for a living creature.

When you go vegan, you’re doing your part to save the planet, and you’re keeping animals from both a traumatic life and death. You’ll be healthier, and you can connect with similar caring individuals. If you want to get mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, there is no better way than the vegan lifestyle.   

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