A family meal plan for February
Oh my! I actually meal planned. I cannot remember the last time I did. But almost every day this year, 4pm has come around and I’ve been moaning ‘I don’t know what to make for dinner, I wish I had meal planned!’ Sooooo… I did it! It seemed impossible to pull together a month’s worth of meals, I am so out of practice. Nothing overly exciting on here, but I know that it will make life easier and save me a little bit of stress.
One thing I love about meal planning, is that if I know first thing in the morning what I am going to be making, then I can find time earlier in the day to prep ahead of time. I *try* to pick meals that will suit all of us, without having to make five different things. I always do several sides – various veggies or salad options so people can pick what they like to go with the main dish. While I’m not technically vegan anymore, I don’t eat meat {though Lola, Kiki and Vega do}, and I don’t eat dairy either. Most meals I make are still vegan, 90% of the time.
So, here is what is on the meal plan for February;
~ Curry & Rice
~ Pizza
~ Picky DInner
~ Tomato & Lentil Soup
~ Chinese {for Chinese New Year}
~ Jacket Potatoes
~ Pesto Pasta
~ Risotto
~ Quiche, Salad, Hassleback Potatoes
~ Roast Dinner
~ Pasta Bake
~ Fajitas
~ Beans on toast, Veggie Sausages
~ Spaghetti, Corn Cobs, Garlic Bread
~ Veg Burgers, Homemade wedges, salad
~ Jacke Potatoes
~ Picky Dinner
~ Pasta & Roast Veg
~ Sausage & Scramble eggs
~ Roast Veg Soup
~ Toasted Sandwiches, Corn Cobs, Sweet Potoat Fries
~ Ratatouille, Pasta
~ Chillie & Rice
~ Roast Dinner
~ Naan Pizzas, Sweet POtatoes Wedges
~ Taco’s, Rice, Mexican ‘Slaw
~ Jacket Potatoes
~ Pizza
So there are our evening meals. Breakfast is usually cereal, toast, fruit and or yogurts. Lunch is often wraps or salad, various leftovers from the previous days dinner or sometimes we’ll make cheesy toast, beans on toast, scrambled eggs etc depending on how hungry we are!
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