Review | Project Mc2 Crayon Make-up Science Kit

Review  Project Mc2 Crayon Make-up Science Kit

My middle two girls both love Project Mc2 – and I love that it encourages girls to be strong and smart too. Kiki was recently sent this Project Mc2 Crayon Make-up Science Kit to review. It was perfect for her, as she loves to make her own makeup and has made many different things in the past.

Review  Project Mc2 Crayon Make-up Science Kit

The kit comes with: lipstick/lip balm mould, two lipstick/lip balm cases and one crayon disc with six colours. All you need to add is coconut oil! It’s recommended for ages 6+, though I think kiddos younger than Kiki would need a little help, especially as the kit calls for using the oven to melt the crayon and coconut oil.


The instructions are easy to follow, and the lipsticks easy to make, though it was a little tricky to get the lipsticks out of the mould without spoiling their shape. The second lot we made, I actually added a little grated beeswax so they weren’t so soft and didn’t re-melt too easily in warm weather.


It’s a lovely kit, a perfect way to keep kids occupied on these wet days!

Review  Project Mc2 Crayon Make-up Science Kit

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