Strange and unusual fears

clowns - strange fears
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Does thinking about your phobia make your skin crawl? While fears of spiders and snakes are all run of the mill phobias, a little creepy, but not so strange, there are some truly unusual fears. The fear of tonnes of small holes all clustered together – which even has a name – Trypophobia! Or the fear of swimming in water where you can’t see the bottom and their could be something waiting to bite your toes! Other unusual fears that people have admitted to include beards, holes, belly buttons and even feet! While for most of us, these fears don’t affect our daily life, for some their fears can bring on panic attacks. Many of us hide our fears, and even believe that there is no cure for them.

Benenden ran a survey recently, and the results showed that 61% of people have an unusual fear, and that 34% of those have a physical reaction to their fear. Symbolic of the modern world we live in – 8% of people are afraid of being without a mobile signal!

Ever since I watched ‘It’ aged 12, home alone with my cousins, Clowns have made me slightly nervous – there is something a little sinister about that painted on smile…. Balloons also leave me feeling a little scared… I hate blowing them up, thankfully Kiki loves to blow balloons up, so whenever it is someones birthday she is the chief balloon blower upper. The thought of blowing them up, and having the risk of them bursting in my face is enough to send shivers down my spine.

SO tell me… what’s your strangest fear? Let’s all creep each other out a little!



  1. 76sunflowers

    January 20, 2015 at 18:06

    Clowns? In fact any kind of face covering where proper eye contact can’t be made or expressions can’t be read. I can deal with it but it freaks me out!

  2. Carla Pinheiro

    January 23, 2015 at 04:53

    haha acredito que o meu é o mais inusitado e estranho.. tenho medo de borboleta e alguns animais com asas. o resto dos animais e insetos lido tranquila.

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