5 Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

An eco-friendlier lifestyle at home means that you can be kinder to the planet, and it’s good for your wallet too. The more eco-friendly practices that you put in at home, the less of an impact your household will have on the environment, and you’ll see the financial benefits of less waste, too. And the best part is that today, it’s easier than ever to be more environmentally friendly at home, with plenty of tools at your disposal to help you live the sustainable lifestyle you are aiming for. Here are some simple things that you can start doing straight away to become eco-friendlier at home.

Reuse and Recycle

Wherever possible, you should opt for items that are easy to recycle. If you have a coffee machine at home, for example, the standard pods aren’t always recyclable, so look for eco-friendly coffee pods that are biodegradable and make sure to put them in the right trash can for recyclables. Simply dividing up your waste into the non-recyclable and recyclable waste can help you reduce the number of items that you send into landfills. But don’t rely on the waste collection companies to do it all for you. Consider ways that you can reuse and recycle items at home; everyday items like glass jars and empty wine bottles can be turned into vases and home accessories, for example.

Use Appliances on Eco Mode

Most modern household appliances like washing machines and dishwashers will have an eco-setting that you can use to get the same results while using a minimal amount of energy and water for operation. Whenever you use an appliance, switch it to eco-mode to ensure that you’re only using the bare essentials of what is needed. And if you’re buying a new appliance, be sure to check the energy star rating; opt for one that is the most environmentally friendly option.

Conduct an Energy Audit

Using less energy at home will help you improve your carbon footprint and live an eco-friendlier lifestyle, and sometimes, it’s the simple changes that add up the most. Switching to energy-saving light bulbs or investing in timers for your lights and other electronics so that they are switched off automatically when not in use will help you avoid using unnecessary energy at home. Get in touch with your energy provider; most will provide a free energy audit to show you areas of your home that can be improved to reduce energy waste, like drafty doors and windows causing heat to escape. Moreover, it might also be worthwhile comparing a few different energy companies in your area to ensure that you are getting the best possible rates for your energy. For example, if you live in Texas, energy companies such as Reliant Energy offer a wide variety of packages and plans to suit all budgets. You can take a look at the Reliant Energy rates by checking out some of the reviews on the Home Energy Club website.

Thrift Shop

Today, there’s an abundance of everything that we need brand new, and with sites like Amazon, it’s easier than ever to get what we need straight away at a good price. But buying everything brand new isn’t always the answer, and often you can find some really good second-hand deals. By shopping for what you need second-hand, you can save some money and make sure that an item is used for as long as possible rather than going to landfill. Sites like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist are great for finding second-hand goods that you can give a new lease of life to in your home.


When it comes to furniture items, consider whether an upgrade is actually needed, or whether you can upcycle an item and continue using it instead. Furniture pieces like dining tables and chairs can often be made brand new again with a coat of paint or varnish, or you can turn that drab, old bedside table into a really chic piece for your room with a coat of chalky paint.

Eco-friendlier habits at home are beneficial for everybody, and the best part is that getting started can be really simple.

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