How To Pick And Introduce A Safety Blanket To Your Newborn

After your little one reaches 3 months of age, the time is ripe to introduce a security blanket. You won’t always be with them 24/7 and having a security blanket, “blankie”, “lovey” or a little stuffed animal of sorts will help soothe your baby when you are not present.

Choosing the best blanket for your baby requires some forethought and careful selection. Furthermore, in order to introduce it to your sweet little one, some preparation can be done in order to ensure that your baby and their blanket like each other.

How To Choose The Best Blanket For Your Baby

Tried by time and practice, the best baby blanket is one that you can easily travel with, has an appealing texture, and is one that comes with backup. When it comes to choosing the best blanket for your baby, here are the most crucial things to keep in mind:

1. Size

When you choose a blanket for your little one it is important to pick one that isn’t too big. You want something that you can easily travel with, as well as something that isn’t too large so that it risks smothering your baby.

Security blankets don’t have to be full-size blankets. Oftentimes, the best ones are the smaller, little bandana-sized pieces that a baby can easily hold and/or cuddle with.

2. Texture

As the end-goal of having a blanket is to soothe and comfort, it is important to choose a blanket that is naturally soft and ‘cuddly’. While softness is important, make sure to select a non-synthetic material such as cotton for your baby’s blanket to avoid any irritations of the skin.

You don’t necessarily need this blanket to keep your baby warm, so try to avoid heavy materials or materials that are prone to shedding. The lighter and softer the texture, the more your little one will be prone to liking and using it.

3. Style

While not the most relevant, the style of the blanket is something to consider when you are choosing the best one for your baby. As your little one develops, pay attention to how they derive comfort from things – initially you. Do they like holding onto something? Do they prefer ‘petting’ something to calm down? Look for a blanket or a little stuffed animal that will allow them to continue their own self-soothing tendencies.

How Early Can You Introduce A Blanket?

While your little one may not need a blanket until around 7 months of age, you can start introducing a security blanket as early as 3 months of age. Generally, the best age is between 4-6 months as your little one will be able to associate things together.

How Do I Introduce My Baby To Their Security Blanket?

The need for a comforting blanket generally doesn’t develop in a baby until separation anxiety begins (usually when your little one turns 7 months old). However, the earlier you introduce them to their security blanket the better. It will help to mitigate the separation anxiety and allow them to keep something that is comforting even when their mommy or daddy are not present.

Consistency and patience are the two key factors in introducing your baby to their security blanket. It doesn’t take too much as far as ‘introducing’ the blanket. For the first time, it is highly recommended that the mother wears the blanket close to her for at least an hour – if it’s small enough, stuff it in your bra! This will leave some of your mom-scent on the blanket and help your little associate it with you.

Have the blanket with you during key times in your baby’s schedule. Nap time, after meals, when they are starting to fuss, etc. Anytime that your baby would look to you for comfort, make sure to have their blanket with you. This will help them associate comfort with the blanket, in addition to associating it with you.

If it doesn’t seem to click right away, give it time. Babies are little creatures of habit and eventually, they will not be able to sleep or self-soothe without their beloved blanket by their side. If your little one seems especially upset, you may want to revisit what type of blanket you chose and see if the material is off-setting. If not, just give it time.

Having a security blanket is a sign that your little one is growing up. It is something that your baby will carry with them for the next few years of their life so it is important to choose one that is comfortable, portable, and replaceable. Pro tip: when you purchase one, get 2 or 3 extras to rotate out so that the blanket stays clean and doesn’t wear down!

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