The Best Pregnancy Sleep Position Benefits Both You and Your Baby

Using the correct sleeping positions in pregnancy can help a woman with her aches and pains by allowing her body to get the rest it needs. Sleeping in the correct position also keeps mother and baby healthy and avoids health issues that can arise if a woman does not sleep in the right position.

During pregnancy, you may find yourself tossing and turning in bed trying to find a sleep position that is comfortable. Unfortunately, the sleep position that you are used may no longer be comfortable or suitable any longer.

Sleeping comfortably while pregnant can be very tricky, and will only become more as your pregnancy progresses and your baby gets bigger. The growing size of the baby is what leads to difficulty in sleeping for most women. It gets difficult to become comfortable with the growing size of the placenta and fetus causing internal pressure and discomfort.

Women who are tummy sleepers wonder if it is alright to sleep on their tummy while pregnant. Sad to say but it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach when pregnant. By your second trimester, it will become nearly impossible to do so anyway.

You should avoid sleeping on the back especially in the 2nd half of your pregnancy as this position tends to put the entire weight of uterus on your back muscles, spine, back muscles, and inferior vena cava.

In the early part of your pregnancy, try to get in the habit of sleeping on the left side. It is the position recommended by the American Pregnancy Association and most doctors. You will find this position to be the most comfortable in pregnancy.

This position is not only going to be the most comfortable for you as your pregnancy moves along, but it is also the healthiest. Sleeping on your side keeps the weight of your uterus off of vital organs and allows for greater blood and nutrient flow to the placenta.

The best thing you can do to maintain the proper sleeping positions in pregnancy is to get a maternity pillow. These large, full body pillows provide extra support for your growing tummy and also keep you in the doctor recommended side sleeping position. Many pregnant women have found maternity pillows to be the solution to their sleeping problems.

Other Tips to Improve Your Sleep During Pregnancy

Stay Hydrated

Be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. Just be sure to drink less directly before bedtime to minimize the number of times you wake up to urinate.

Move! Move! Move!

It is important to keep up with exercise. This will improve your circulation as well as promote optimum health. In result, you will have less cramping in the legs. Do not exercise too close to your bedtime as exercising releases adrenaline which will keep you awake during the night.

No More Stress

Anxiety and stress can play a large role in preventing you from getting a great night’s rest. Simply worrying and keeping those worries to yourself is not going to help you. Be sure to have a person to confide in about your stresses and worries. Either a friend or a professional can help you and listen to you if you are experiencing issues in life that are leading to stress and anxiety.

Nightly Routine

Get into a night-time routine. Be sore that it is a comforting routine that allows you to drift off into slumber easily. Try drinking a cup of tea with no caffeine, or a cup of hot milk with a dab of honey for flavoring. Read a chapter of your favorite book. Take a bath or warm shower using a scented soap. Ask somebody to give you a shoulder massage or to brush your hair.

Invest in a Quality Mattress

Another important thing you can do to help improve your sleep is to invest in a good quality mattress. A quality mattress should be able to give comfort and support to your entire body during sleep. Thankfully, there are a wide variety of mattress choices at Sleeping Culture that are comfortable and safe for pregnant women. You can choose a memory foam mattress, pocket spring mattress, or latex mattress. These are all considered the best among pregnant women mainly because they offer the utmost comfort. Do not forget that you’ll be using the mattress after you become a busy mom too.

Comfort during sleep when pregnant is beneficial to both you and your baby. So it’s important to use the ideal sleep position to prevent hurting your baby. Hopefully, the above tips will help you have a better sleep.

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