4 Ways Wi-Fi Connectivity Makes Your Home Life Easier


Do you dream of the home of the future? Each day, we have new gadgets that make our daily work simpler and more interesting. For example, some home automation systems allow you to switch the indoor lights on and off to deter burglars when you are away on a vacation. It all happens by connecting them with our home Wi-Fi network. 

Zoned Heating and Cooling Create Even Temperatures in the Home

Establishing zoned heating and cooling in your home with a Wi-Fi thermostat enables you to use your home’s Wi-Fi network to control your HVAC system. For example, you can use your Wi-Fi thermostat to prepare your home’s temperature before you get home or adjust the settings for the thermostat so that your house begins to cool as the sun sets. In all, using zoned heating and cooling is a great way to save energy and increase the comfort of your home.

Coffee Making Machines Enhance Home Comfort  

Imagine making coffee from the comfort of your bedroom or the front lawn of your home. It’s not just a dream; it can happen with a Wi-Fi connection and your coffeemaker. Enter the coffeemaker that allows you to make coffee from anywhere in your home or from the garden. Using the built-in app, you can set alarms and brew coffee. You can also schedule the brew and control it with your phone. Some advanced versions of coffeemakers will remind you when the water level in the coffeemaker is low.

Robots Help Around the House

What if help around your home was 3 feet tall and came with speakers, microphones, and a sensor? Work on robots with voice and facial recognition abilities is happening to develop robots that can recognize specific places such as “kitchen” or “right edge of the kitchen table.”  By accessing a Wi-Fi network, think about how the robot could play a video for you or turn up the thermostat. Designers are also thinking that robots could serve new applications in a household by taking on additional roles, such as music instructors or personal trainers.

Refrigerator Unites Family

Are you storing many items in your refrigerator but would like to have what those items are read to you? The fridge of the future could do that, along with offering a touch screen and cameras. This refrigerator could also help you and your family put your kitchen appliance to best use. 

See inside the fridge with your phone so that you can make lists, order groceries, and set end dates. Stay on top of your family’s activities with a calendar, write notes to one another, and use the recipe section to try new dishes. With a smart Samsung Family Hub refrigerator, you won’t have to worry about not knowing what you have in your refrigerator to make dinner or running low on refrigerated staples, such as milk, eggs, or butter.

When you put Wi-Fi connectivity to work for you and your home, you can help make your home life easier with smart home automation.

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