Life Lessons from a Newborn
Stay in the moment
It’s easy to get distracted by our to-do lists, the things we think we *should* be doing, and all that life throws our way. Yet newborns are only little for a tiny amount of time… they need us to stop, to cuddle them, to soak up all that they are right now. Stop rushing around, ignore the pile of laundry, don’t worry about what you need to do tomorrow, just sit down, cuddle them and breathe in that delicious newborn smell.
Listen to your body
Newborns know to sleep when they’re tired and eat when they’re hungry. That’s something that as an adult I could really do to remember. All to often I’ll push myself to just do a few more jobs, tick a few more things of my list, write that blog post, reply to that email, put the laundry away…. When actually what I need is to just grab an extra half an hours sleep while I can. Everything else can wait – it will still be there tomorrow.
It’s OK to cry
When a baby is hungry,or tired, or just needs a cuddle, they cry. And that’s OK> Adults often try to hold it all in, to pretend everything is fine and to carry on. Listen to your baby – let your emotions out, express what it is you need, let the tears flow when you need to.
Never Give Up
If it doesn’t work the first time, try again – babies try new skills over and over until they can do them – smiling, sitting up, rolling over, walking….. It’s a great lesson to learn, don’t expect things to be easy, or to happen the first time you try. Sometimes we might have to do something 5, 10, 15 time until it works – and that’s alright.
Love is all you need
Your baby loves you just because you are you. They don’t care if your hair is a mess, or you’ve put on a few pounds. They love you because you cuddle them, feed them, play with them and are there for them.
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March 25, 2015 at 14:37Beautiful beautiful post, and so very true. I love the newborns can totally trust their bodies to tell them when they’re hungry/tired etc, I wish we lived in a society where we had the luxury to nap whenever we wanted etc as adults. I guess that would be a pretty lazy society though ;) x
Gill Crawshaw
March 25, 2015 at 16:08Such a gorgeous post Polly – absolutely love this x
Jess @ Along Came Cherry
March 25, 2015 at 17:38Ah great post and that photo is so gorgeous x
March 25, 2015 at 21:18This was just lovely to read Polly and you look just beautiful x
March 26, 2015 at 08:27Oh this is such a great post and I agree with everything – I know I need to listen to my body more and get more sleep but it is so hard when there is so much to do. Also staying in the moment, I am really trying to be mindful of that and I truly believe that Love is the first and most important thing as parents, simply love our children and go from there
Laura x
March 26, 2015 at 08:34Gorgeous post and gorgeous photo x
March 27, 2015 at 18:09Wise words Polly. That photo of you two is adorable! X
March 27, 2015 at 21:03this is so true Polly, I love the way you have written this. What a beautiful picture and a wonderful mum you are to all your babies xx
March 28, 2015 at 11:45What a beautiful post! Its so easy to forget and get caught up in other things and its true there’s nothing like a baby to make you rethink and ground you!
katie albury
March 30, 2015 at 13:28Lovely post…I’m already trying to slow down with baby on the way, but its so difficult and I only feel more stressed when I haven’t achieved everything I need to in a day. But this post reminded that there are more important things in life and taking care of baby is top. xx
Natalie @ Little Jam Pot Life Blog
March 30, 2015 at 21:37Beautifully written, honesty & just lovely. adorable picture too. I agree with this post so much xx