
Welcome this week’s Mamaheart, Michelle…..


‘What does motherhood mean to you?’
It means happiness, sadness, joy, stress, uncertainty, beauty, silliness. It’s everything.

‘How has motherhood changed you?’
I’m certainly not the same person I was 8 years ago. It’s made me appreciate my Mum a lot more. I always thought she was an amazing Mum but since being a Mum myself I’ve realised just how amazing she is. I never thought I could love another person this much but I do and it’s certainly held up a mirror up to all my own faults and failings. Having a mini me daughter in temprament as well as looks has really made me very aware of all the areas where I need to calm down and chill out a bit. I’m also a lot stronger than I thought I could be.

‘What is the hardest part of being a mama?’
The lack of sleep. My daughter has been a nightmare sleeper since day one and didn’t sleep a night through till she was nearly 3 so I’ve got used to not always having a decent nights sleep. It’s also the worry. You just don’t realise what worry is until you’ve got an ill, injured or upset child. I used to laugh about the fact that my Mum still worries about me even though I’m 38 but since having my daughter I know exactly where she’s coming from

‘What is the biggest joy that your child has given you?’
It’s hard to pick one thing. A big smile from her can make my day. I love the little drawings and notes that she makes. I always moaned at my Mum for keeping little notes I’d written her (usually apologies for being naughty) and she said I’d understand when I had children and now I do.

‘What one piece of advice would you give a first time mama?’
Trust your own instincts and what is right for you and your baby. Also don’t stress about the little things, they aren’t as important as you thing they are.

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