Tag: overwhelm


Feeling the load

Lately, I’ve been feeling the load – the overwhelm of all that parenting brings, especially as a single parent. Getting kids ready for Uni/College/Groups, figuring out who needs to be where and when, who needs dinner at what time. Juggling work and children. Home ed. Kids at college. Bills. Money {or lack of}. Meals. Housework....

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Burnt toast and cold coffee

This week has been one of those weeks. The ones when the kids won’t stop arguing, you’re a huge hormonal, emotional mess, you’re super tired and stressed and everything seems too much. I don’t know if it was the weather, the moon, being midway in my cycle {I can tell I’m ovulating these days by my...

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6 tips to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed

I don’t know if it’s the weather, sheer exhaustion or just taking on too much, but this past week I’ve been feeling majorly overwhelmed, a little burnt out and seriously stressed. The constant rain has meant we’ve spent more time in the house than we’d like to, we’ve all a bit of a case of...

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