Search results for: just so

Life lessons from Gardening

May is here, and it feels like finally, finally, new life is here. Winter felt long and cold this year, and spring slow to get off the ground. In the past couple of weeks, new...

A lesson in letting go

After last week’s do-nothing day, I’d expected to get back to our usual hectic pace of life. We had a full calendar ahead and I was excited about days out, a trip to Cardiff for...

Quit being so hard on yourself

I found myself the other day being annoyed at myself. For being ‘behind’. For comfort eating. For lacking mojo. For feeling a little low. For a long list of other things too. Then I took...

A Mindful Solstice

If you’re signed up for my newsletter, you’ll have had this months email arrive this morning, with a beautiful Solstice Ritual for you to do today. If you don’t feel called to that ritual, perhaps you...

Why Traveling Alone is Refreshing for Your Soul

When most people think about going on vacation, they likely envision doing so with their friends or family. Sharing a travel experience with loved ones is, of course, a wonderful way to spend time and...

Grieving a death of sorts

I was laying in bed the other night, nursing my toddler back to sleep, one hand on his chest, feeling the rise and fall as he breathed, and the steady beat of his heart. It...

Lessons learned in time

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou One thing that I have come to understand, is that not everybody who enters your life is supposed to stay in...

What I learned from some lost photos

On Saturday my phone told me it needed to do a system update, having done them hundreds of times before, I clicked update, thinking nothing of it. Half an hour later, the update was all...