Trends to follow for your new bathroom

white ceramic bathtub near white ceramic bathtub

Keen to refresh your bathroom but unsure where to start? There are endless trends to look into – and so much so that you’ll be spoilt for choice…

Across the UK, households are getting stuck into a wide array of home improvement projects. It’s thought that the pandemic spurred on a renewed ambition to shake up the look and feel of people’s homes. Whether you need inspiration for a spacious or smaller bathroom, there’s plenty to get your teeth into.

Here are some ideas to help you get started.


Bathrooms are somewhat uninteresting, functional rooms in the house. So, why not turn this on its head and have a bit of fun with it?

Tiles and paint are an obvious choice for a bathroom and can create a great look, but why not finish off with a section of playful wallpaper? Stick with something classic like stripes or go for more of an exotic, jungle feel. It’s a great way to put your own stamp on the space. Wallpaper is a good way to inject a dash of colour in what would ordinarily be quite a plain room in the house.

Walk-in showers and wet rooms

Both an aesthetic and functional upgrade, walk-in showers are the dream addition to any bathroom. You’d be surprised by the difference they can make, helping you utilise the space more effectively. If, for example, you don’t find yourself using the bath, you may find this a more practical swap.

Choose from a range of shower enclosure styles and sizes to match your space. You also have the option to add decorative plants, waterproof speakers and shelves for your products, – so you can go all out with the final look. In addition to this, walk-in showers can be a desirable feature that will enhance your property when it eventually comes to selling it.

Floor tile patterns

Unique floor tile patterns can be the perfect way of adding personality to your bathroom.

The layout is one factor – where you can choose from the likes of a herringbone, step ladder or checkered patterns – then the colours and finish are entirely up to you. Teal, monochrome, pink – go as bold or as neutral as you like. You also have the option to go all out with more artistic, historic tiles too.

Decorative lighting

Make a statement with decorative lighting. You have several options here – and whatever you go for can help to establish the feel of the space. Choose wall lamps with ornamental shades to help diffuse the light or focus on lighting that surrounds the mirror for more of a hotel feel.

Lighting can also help to set the mood. By choosing the right light bulbs and style of lighting, you can create a calmer, more relaxing mood across the space. Many people prefer warm, ambient mood lighting as opposed to harsh overhead spotlights. This way, you can help to replicate that sought-after ‘spa feel’ with a few simple changes.

Mixed metals

Metals are a common feature in many bathrooms, so why not make the most of this with a mixed metals approach? You can emphasise certain elements, from handles to taps, by replacing them with interesting hardware that will help to create a more unique feel.

Trends indicate that more people are opting for warm metals. To help achieve this look, you could opt for copper or gold tones. Don’t be afraid to mix warm and cooler tones if you think it will work. Not everything has to be matching and if anything, it helps to create a sense of character.

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