A slow January

Twenty days into the New Year, and I feel as though it should just be beginning. With the end of Mercury Retrograde, this feels like it is the real beginning of the new year.

After the stress and illness that featured heavily in the run up to Christmas, I made a conscious decision that January was going to be a slow month. A month to turn inwards, to focus on me, to have the space and time to really reflect on my life. What’s working, what isn’t, what I want, what I need to let go of.

A time to rediscover me. Last year was a fog of greyness. Life seemed hard, I chased the wrong things, invested my energy where I shouldn’t have, and left myself feeling burnt out. This is a time to redefine what I want out of life.

January for me, is a month to be home. To focus on me, the kids, the house. To get things in order, to take the days slow, to rest and reset.

January is the the month for dreaming

Jean Hersey

Cancel the commitments

Ok, so you might not be able to drop everything. But let go of all that isn’t essential. For us – obviously I still hve to work, and we have a few groups that the kiddos are commited too {gymnastics, sports, cubs} but otherwise, I’m having a few weeks ‘off’ – not planning in home ed groups, lots of topic work, or big trips. We’ll have a few spontaneous days outs, meet up with friends, and just go with the flow.

Letting ourselves have a month without commitments every day feels like bliss. Taking away the constant rushing around, dashing out the house from one thing to the next, barely having any time in the house – this is what we need right now.

Mindful mornings

How I start my day really does have a huge impact on the rest of it. I’ve been ditching my phone – instead starting the day with my book and some time on my yoga mat. Making a hearty breakfast and sitting down together to enjoy it. Talking about the rest of the day and what we want to achieve. Rushing irst thing just makes me feel stressed all day long.

Look inwards

I’m using this month to turn inside me – to reacquaint myself with myself. When we rush through our days on autopilot, we lose sight of who we are and what is important. Taking some time away from teh world, where I can hear my own thoughts and dreams instead of being surrounded by everyone else’s gives me a chance to reconnect with me. The lostness of last year in part is because I’ve been running from my feelings, trying to avoid them in busy-ness instead of acknowledging them.


Call it an early spring clean, but it feels good to sort the house out now before the sunnier days are hear and I want to be out in the garden. I’ve been working my way around the house, clearing cupboards, emptying drawers, clearing out the old to make space in the house. Ticking off all those little jobs I’ve been meaning to do.

Take some time for TLC

Illness, stress and tiredness have left me feeling a little ‘meh’ and run down. I’m making an effort to take care of myself – something I’ve been neglecting to do. Lots of time on my yoga mat. Long, hot baths full of essential oils and epsom salts, lots of warm, nourishing foods, journaling time, daily walks to get some Vitamin D, plenty of time with journal to let the thoughts flow out.

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