Review // Aquila Magazine

Mr Beastie at 6 loves computer games…. if I let him, he’d play all day long. He’s not really much of a fan of reading. he loves being read to, but not so much doing it for himself. I’m forever looking for ways to encourage him to read more, and also things to do that don’t involve a screen {or talking to me about things that involve screens}.

We’ve tried various magazines, but a lot of kids magazines are honestly just junk. So when Aquila got in touch and asked if we’d like to try out a few issues of their magazine I said a big ‘yes please’. Aquila is a monthly magazine, created by an independent company. Each month has a different theme, with a minimum of 28 pages each time. Aimed for ages 8 and up, but suitable for younger children to with a little adult help.

I have to say, I was honestly surprised at how good a magazine it is. I love the themed issues – it makes a fantastic home education resource, as we can use an issue to build a whole topic around. The magazine is written in a way that is entertaining and engaging for children, but still educational – even I learned a lot from reading them with Beastie1

We really love that each issue also has some crafts and/or recipes in there – so far we have made some fossils out of clay, we tried carrot ice cream {!} and are in the middle of making a hot air balloon bird feeder.

Beastie loved the magazines, and also this fab puzzle adventure book they sent him. If you are looking for something to occupy and grab your kiddos interest, then we’d definitely recommend Aquila. I’m planning on subscribing, as I think it will make a fantastic resource to have on hand.

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